Upgrade to V2

In addition to many features in the Ant Design Pro 2.0 release, we've also upgraded the front-end build tool from roadhog to UmiJS (referred to as umi). The reason that we say upgrading instead of replacing, is that umi is more than just a front-end build tool. It also includes a routing and plugin system for building a complete React application.

If you want to add features from Ant Design Pro 2.0 to your original project and port the 2.0 code to your project, you should migrate your project from roadhog to umi. This document will guide you through the migration process. Before that, you may want to read umi's documentation so that you have a preliminary understanding of umi. This will be helpful for your migration work. The following is an overview of the steps for migration, and there will be more details later.

Note: This migration guide is based on the latest v1 version. You can find the changes in the commit. This commit is for reference only and cannot be directly applied to your project. If your version is too old, there may be some small differences. Please migrate with the specific situation.

Migration Steps Overview#

  • Change the dependency in package.json from roadhog to umi.
  • Modify the settings in .webpackrc.js to config/config.js.
  • Change the src/routes directory name to pages. pages is the defined umi directory.
  • Remove src/models/index.js. In umi, the dva models in the models folder will be automatically loaded.
  • Rename index.ejs to pages/document.ejs, which is the name defined by umi.
  • Rename index.less to global.less and rename index.js to global.js, which are also umi-defined files.
  • Add configuration routes to config/config.js.
  • Modify the component nesting syntax in src/layouts/BasicLayout.js.
  • Rename the 404 page.
  • Modify the logic of the authorization route AuthorizedRoute.
  • Modify the mock data.
  • Add umi related files to .gitignore.
  • Remedy possible problems by executing tnpm start and tnpm run lint.

Migration step details#

Modify roadhog dependency to umi#

Open package.json in the root directory of the project and change the dependency to umi:

"dependencies": {
- "dva": "^2.2.3",
- "dva-loading": "^2.0.3",
- "react-dom": "^16.4.1",
- "react-loadable": "^5.5.0",
"devDependencies": {
+ "umi": "^2.0.0",
+ "umi-plugin-react": "^1.0.0",
- "roadhog": "^2.4.2",
- "roadhog-api-doc": "^1.1.2",

React is built into umi; libraries commonly used by React technology stacks like antd and dva are built into the umi-plugin-react plugin set. See Minor-plugin-react documentation.

In addition, the scripts in package.json also need to be modified accordingly:

- "start": "cross-env ESLINT=none roadhog dev",
- "start:no-proxy": "cross-env NO_PROXY=true ESLINT=none roadhog dev",
- "build": "cross-env ESLINT=none roadhog build",
+ "start": "umi dev",
+ "start:no-mock": "cross-env MOCK=none umi dev",
+ "build": "umi build",

Don't forget to update the dependencies to the latest versions with npm update after the modification is complete.

Add configuration file config/config.js#

Umi has defined .umirc.js and config/config.js as its configuration files (choose one). In Ant Design Pro, because of the large amount of settings, we choose to use config/config.js.

You need to create config/config.js in your project. This configuration file needs to export a default object, which contains all the settings of umi. You can initialize it to the following:

export default {
  plugins: [
        antd: true,
        dva: {
          hmr: true,

This configuration mounts the umi-plugin-react plugin set and enables the antd and dva plugins, allowing you to use antd and dva directly in your project.

After adding config/config.js you can also migrate the configuration from .webpackrc.js under your project to config/config.js. .webpackrc.js is the af-webpack configuration file. Both umi and roadhog are dependent on it, so you can migrate directly. After the migration, you can delete the original .webpackrc.js and .babelrc.js files.

However, it should be noted that the following settings in .webpackrc.js don't need to be copied into config/config.js:

  • entry: umi will have a default routing mechanism that needs to be removed.
  • extraBabelPlugins: umi-plugin-react has built-in support for on-demand compilation of antd, so there's no need to manually configure.
  • The dva-hmr plugin under env: env is no longer needed and can be configured directly in the umi-plugin-react configuration.
  • alias: umi will add the alias of @/ to the src directory by default.
  • html: umi uses src/pages/document.ejs as the html template by default.

In addition, we recommend writing the theme configuration directly to config/config.js, and then you can delete src/theme.js.

Rename routes to pages#

A lot of specific conventions and settings are used in umi to efficiently implement some functions, like how src/pages directory is the directory where the page components are stored, as defined by umi. In Ant Design Pro 1.0, our pages were stored under src/routes; we only need to rename the routes to pages.

Delete models/index.js#

In umi, after the dva plugin is mounted, the files under models will be introduced as a dva model by default, so you no longer need to manually mount the model in models/index.js. You can delete the file.

Modify index.ejs#

Move index.ejs to pages/document.ejs, which is the path defined by umi. Reference œumi HTML template Documentation.

Modify index.js and index.less#

Rename index.js to global.js and rename index.less to global.less so they will be mounted automatically by umi. You can refer to umi's Directory Convention. In addition, because the dva plugin will automatically mount the model and add the dva-loading plugin by default, the dva related content in index.js can be removed. Just keep the initialization logic like this:

import './polyfill';
import 'moment/locale/zh-cn';
import './rollbar';

In addition, the :global flag in global.less can also be removed, because the style in global.less is global by default. It should be noted that cssModule is used by default except in that.

Add routing configuration#

This step is the most important. umi has built-in routing implementation, providing both defined and configured routing. In Ant Design Pro we use profile routing. You need to add an item named routes in config/config.js. Here we provide a sample based on the /dashboard page. You need to migrate according to your project. We recommend adding a config/router.config.js file and including it in config/config.js:

// config/router.config.js
module.exports = [
    path: '/',
    component: '../layouts/BasicLayout',
    routes: [
      // dashboard
      { path: '/', redirect: '/dashboard/analysis' },
        path: '/dashboard',
        name: 'dashboard',
        icon: 'dashboard',
        routes: [
          { path: '/dashboard/analysis', name: 'analysis', component: './Dashboard/Analysis' },
          { path: '/dashboard/monitor', name: 'monitor', component: './Dashboard/Monitor' },
          { path: '/dashboard/workplace', name: 'workplace', component: './Dashboard/Workplace' },

component is a string, relative to the path src/pages. For more information about routing, you can refer to the v2 version of the routing configuration, and umi's documentation. In addition, the original 1.0 version of the routing code src/common/router.js and src/router.js can also be deleted.

Modify layout components#

Because component routing is not used with react-router@4, you will need to modify your layout components. Change the <Switch/> component part to {this.props.children}.

Rename 404 page#

By default, src/pages/404.js is used as the 404 page in umi, so you need to rename the original src/routes/Exception/404.js.

Modify permission routing#

In 2.0, you can use the [Permissions Routing] provided by umi directly (https://umijs.org/guide/router.html#%E6%9D%83%E9%99%90%E8%B7%AF%E7 %94%B1). Of course, you can also keep the old scheme. Since it is not necessary, it will not be detailed in this article.

Modifying mock data#

In umi, the mock/*.js file is used as the mock file by default so you can delete the .roadhogrc.mock.js file after migrating the URL information of the mock data to the mock file. Note that the mock data in .roadhogrc.mock.js needs to be migrated; for example, you can migrate this part of the data by creating a new mock/common.js.

For more instructions, please refer to umi's documentation page Mock Data.

Modify .gitignore#

After using umi you need to add the temporary file paths from umi in development and build to .gitignore.


Modify code alias and other details#

After the above operations are completed, you can run npm start to start your project. You will see an error, but don't panic, follow the error message and modify it step by step. What you may need to modify is:

  • Modify the alias components/ to @/components. Of course, you can also keep the original alias directly in config/config.js.
  • Modify the part related to dva in src/utils/request.js. You can use umi/router to do the jump directly.
  • /exception/400 of src/utils/request.js can be changed to /400.
  • Remove const baseRedirect = this.getBaseRedirect(); related logic in BasicLayout, the logic of the redirect can be implemented through umi's routes configuration.
  • Modify the related logic of getPageTitle and getBreadcrumbNameMap in BasicLayout, refer to the following code implementation. Complete code reference v1 upgrade commit.

Note: memoizeOne is a method provided by the memoize-one npm package. You need to install memoize-one first. deepEqual is provided by the lodash.isequal package, and related dependencies need to be installed.

 * Get breadcrumb mapping
 * @param {Object} menuData menu configuration
const getBreadcrumbNameMap = memoizeOne(meun => {
  const routerMap = {};
  const mergeMeunAndRouter = meunData => {
    meunData.forEach(meunItem => {
      if (meunItem.children) {
      } // Reduce memory usage
      routerMap[meunItem.path] = meunItem;
  return routerMap;
}, deepEqual);

In addition to the project can start normally, you should also run tnpm run lint to solve the lower-level problems that occur in the migration process. The problems and scenarios you may need to deal with are as follows:

  • no-unused-vars error: You can delete them without checking the problem.
  • react/destructuring-assignment error: You may need to replace something like this.props.children with const { children } = this.props.

In addition, we recommend that you migrate to the 2.0 recommended lint rules to make your code more elegant.

Using the new features in 2.0#

It's easy to use the new 2.0 features after the roadhog to umi migration. In 2.0 we have the following new features added:

  • A user information page.
  • Support internationalization.
  • Support for style switching.

Create account page#

You only need to copy the related code in the v2 pages directory to your project and modify the router configuration in config/config.js. This part is relatively simple, so I won't explain too much here. In addition to the new user information page, you can also refer to the update of other pages to jump to the code in your own project.

Support internationalization#

In Ant Design Pro 2.0 we used the umi plugin umi-plugin-locale for i18n. The plugin has also been built into the umi-plugin-react plugin set. You can turn on i18n by adding the locale configuration to the configuration of the collection.

After enabling the i18n plugin, add the locales folder in the project directory, and add the i18n resource file according to the convention. Then, you can internationalize by using the API exposed by umi/locale in the project.

More about the umi-plugin-locale configuration can be found in its documentation.

Support theme switching#

Ant Design Pro uses less and cssModule as a style solution. You can configure this theme style by configuring lessVars at compile time. This function is built into umi. You can configure theme in the configuration file. Refer to umi's Configuration Documentation.

However, the adjustment of the navigation layout mode supported by the v2 version is mainly the upgrade of the business logic of the code. You can refer to the code of src/layouts/BasicLayout.js in the v2 code for adjustment.

For online theme switching, because less is compiled at build time, in order to achieve switching, you need to support less in online compilation and other issues. To solve this problem, we developed the ant-design-theme webpack plugin and the merge-less plugin to implement this feature. If you need it, you can add the related code by referring to config/plugin.config.js and src/models/setting.sj in the v2 code.


See Ant Design Pro 2.0's release log for more details.